Liability Waiver for Sublime Rides Golf Cart Rentals
You are liable for all medical and legal claims that may arise from rental of the golf cart. You voluntarily agree to accept the risks of using a golf cart and on behalf of yourself, your personal representatives and your heirs hereby voluntarily release the aforementioned business, and its owners, officers, employees, and agents from any and all claims, actions, causes of actions, suits, judgments and demands for bodily injury, property damage, loss of life and/or loss of services, in law or equity, that may in any way or manner arise out of use of the golf cart.
You are acknowledging that you are AT LEAST 25 years of age and have a VALID DRIVER LICENSE. ALL APPROVED DRIVERS MUST PROVIDE: NAME, DRIVER’S LICENSE NUMBER, AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CARD INFORMATION TO BE ALLOWED TO DRIVE A RENTED GOLF CART. Under NO circumstances are you allowed to let another driver drive this vehicle.
It is the Renter’s sole responsibility to ensure liability coverage and property damage with the renter’s auto insurance company PRIOR to signing the rental agreement. Renter is responsible for ALL liability and damages that may result while operating a street legal golf cart, also known as a Low Speed Vehicle (LSV) as defined under the Florida Statute Chapter 320.01. The valid and collectible Liability Insurance and PIP of any authorized rental driver is primary for the limits of liability and personal injury protection coverage required by SS.324.021 and 627.736, Florida Statutes.
You agree to pay for any Damage or Theft to the Cart, for any loss of items/accessories, up to and including TOTAL LOSS. Additionally, you authorize us to charge your credit card on file for costs related to these issues.
I am responsible for the return of this equipment in the same state in which I received it. I agree to pay in full for any repairs or replacement if the equipment is damaged/lost/stolen. You further agree to pay for any costs we incur to collect for damages.
It is strictly forbidden for any individual without a valid driver’s license to operate this vehicle. At no time may a minor have a hand or hands on the steering wheel when the vehicle is moving, NOR anyone UNDER AGE 21. This requires you to have possession/control of vehicle keys when not in use.